Thursday, November 29, 2007

Christmas Tree NOT Holiday Tree

Religion has become one of the biggest controversies when the holidays come around. This year it has become even larger. In magazines and newspaper advertisements, Christmas Trees are now being called Holiday Trees. I think this is disrespectful to people who celebrate Christmas. For years trees have been the symbol of Christmas and now all of a sudden, people from all over the world come to America and now we have to change our ways? I believe they should conform to our customs instead of Americans who have been fine with the idea of Christmas Trees for decades. Do we call menorah's for Chanukah, holiday candelabra's? Each religion has their own way of celebrating and Christmas trees are what Catholics use to celebrate Christmas. People actually refuse to buy trees from stores that sell them as holiday trees. These stores are losing business from the only religion that buys trees. The Lincoln Center Tree lighting that occured Tuesday night was called the Holiday Tree Lighting. The Rockefellar Center Tree Lighting was called the Christmas Tree Lighting. Alot of people haven't and refuse to conform to the changes that society is making and I agree. It is getting ridiculous that we have to change the ways we've been living.

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