Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Britney Spears

It doesn't shock me that every magazine I pick up has Britney Spears on the cover. Since she is a celebrity and people love to read about the mistakes they make, she has been in every magazine since her performance of "Give Me More" at MTV's Video Music Awards. Spears' performance wasn't one of her best but how could it be with all the stress shes been through. Getting married, having two kids and getting a divorce could put quite a strain on a person, especially a celebrity who has to watch every move they make, assuring that it won't be used as gossip in the next magazine. Granted, she shouldn't have taken the offer to be the opening act in the VMA's since she knew the pressure it would put on her, but she took her chance and has ended up in a sticky situation. Now trying to come off a drug and alcohol addiction, she has lost custody of her two children until she cleans her act up. Many are trying to help Britney in any way they can. Even Justing Timberlake and his mother have tried to lend a helping hand to her, but she doesn't seem to want the help. You Tube videos by Chris Crocker still show that their are die hard Britney Spears fans out their. I am not a fan of Britney myself, but don't support the stories that have made this tough time for Britney even harder. Everyone makes mistakes and everyone deserves a second chance.

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