Sunday, September 30, 2007


By definition a memory is the power of retaining and recalling a past experience. Memories are what link the present to the past. Since the past can never be relived, a memory allows us to relive a short period of the past in our minds, wether good or bad. The smell of a certain perfume or a candle can trigger a person to recall something that had happened to them in the past. Tasting a delicious food can bring someone back to as far as their childhood, and the way something feels can also trigger the mind to recall an earlier time period. Listening to a song or seeing an old friend also generates a memory. A memory can be so vivid somtimes that it prompts an emotion, either joyful or depressing. It is amazing to see how our five senses can awaken our minds to relive a time period.

Saturday, September 29, 2007


Some people would never believe a pet would have such an impact on a family. My dog "snickers" has become one of the family in one and a half short years. The day my sister brought him home all hell broke loose in my house. My mom was against having any animals in the house and threatened to move out if the dog stayed, but in one short month she became very attached to the dog. She is probably one of the most protective of him. He is more like a person than an animal. He's like a little baby who needs loads of attention and recieves it from all of us because he's a big ball of cuteness. The way he sleeps, eats and plays is adorable and we all melt and would do anything for him. It amazes me how one little dog can make someones day brighter with just a lick on your hand, or how excited he gets to see you.


Ever since I started school I've been rushing every moment. Either because I didn't wake up in time or I only have a short amount of time to get somewhere. On Monday's, Wednesday's, and Friday's I have work at 3:00 right after my last class which ends at 2:20, so that only gives me forty minutes to get from one side of the island to the other and get changed into my work clothes in the process of doing this. On Tuesday's and Thursday's I go to work from 9:00 to 12:45 and then rush to get to school for my 1:25 class. I sometimes don't even have time to eat during this time. I thought college was a time when there was time for everything, boy was I wrong! When I get to choose my schedule I will be sure to leave time so there won't have to be any rushing.


Procrastination: The disease of laziness. I've always seemed to work better under pressure, knowing I only have a day to do my work before it is due. The past week has definately been a week of procrastination. I try and tell myself I am going to make an effort and do my work before the night before it's due. That never works! I've even been putting off writing these blogs because nothing ever comes to my mind, so I tell myself I'll have better ideas another day, but I never do. I've always procrastinated, even in middle school. It has been so hard for me to do work a while before it is actually due. I always find other things to do with my time and reassure myself that I have alot of time to do my work. I hope I grow out of this eventually so I don't have to rush to get everything done!

Sunday, September 16, 2007


College...where to start. I had pictured college to be this whole different world, where the people were more mature and had everything planned out. I was terribly wrong. It's almost as if I'm back in high school with different faces surrounding me. Coming from an all girls high school I imagined the transition to be hard. I've realized there isn't much of a difference. Classes aren't as demanding and attendance isn't necessary like in high school so that is a positive. Overall I haven't really experienced a big change like everyone was telling me about. It's not that im dissappointed, but just intrigued at how college hasn't been the biggest change when I was expecting a complete turn around. I'll just have to wait and see what college has in store for me!