Saturday, September 29, 2007


Procrastination: The disease of laziness. I've always seemed to work better under pressure, knowing I only have a day to do my work before it is due. The past week has definately been a week of procrastination. I try and tell myself I am going to make an effort and do my work before the night before it's due. That never works! I've even been putting off writing these blogs because nothing ever comes to my mind, so I tell myself I'll have better ideas another day, but I never do. I've always procrastinated, even in middle school. It has been so hard for me to do work a while before it is actually due. I always find other things to do with my time and reassure myself that I have alot of time to do my work. I hope I grow out of this eventually so I don't have to rush to get everything done!

1 comment:

Lisa M said...

I know how you feel... i procrastinate on everything that i have ever done